Forget everything you've ever been told about digging. Throw away your spade. Spread a thick layer of compost or old manure on the garden and let the worms do all the work for you.
No dig organic gardening saves you a lot of time and effort, yet produces great growth and better soil structure.
Charles Dowding has been growing vegetables for 30 years using the no dig organic approach. He is the 'guru' of no dig gardening.
In this YouTube video he explains the basics of the approach, shows a comparison of crops growing in dug and no dig ground, and tells you how to start a no dig garden.
We use this method on our allotment and would never go back to digging.
For lots more videos see the Charles Dowding YouTube channel
He also has a website www.charlesdowding.co.uk with loads of information and details of events and courses.
See also Garden composting